Sunday, April 30, 2006

Busy Busy Busy

These past weeks I have been kept busy. I had two series of photographs to deliver for RYK! Magazine with a deadline tomorrow on May 1st. I actually like deadlines and I do tend to keep them. I even prefer to stay ahead of them and have time to correct any mistakes or deliver new things if necessary. I'm not posting any of the pictures for the magazine here, but it is a magazine for people with spinal injures. I really like the challenge and feel that I am getting a little better at capturing pictures that fit the articles being written.
Yesterday i finished processing the last photographs, and that gave me time off to go out into the world and take som pictures for myself. Luckily, there is an open study 48-hour challenge going on DPC, and I took some shots for that one. This is not the photograph I will be submitting, the focus isn't good enough, but I like the colours. It is from the Nyhavn area downtown and shows reflections in the canal.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Ásta Sólveig & Rebekka Sóley

It has been a hectic week and I have had no time to do much blogging. Rebekka loves taking pictures and she tood the one of me here below. I thook this one of her and her aunt, my youngest daughter.

As My Granddaughter Sees Me

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Do You Like This One?

This is from a Copenhagen Metrostation and it is my best on DPC yet, according to the voters. I am extremely pleased with it. The Challenges topic was "Chrome" and I called this one "Sleek". I would love to get some comments on it.

Keeping You Posted

I did a lot of work on this one and actually liked it a lot. The DPC-crowd and I, we have different tastes in photographs and it didn't do too well. I called it ... and there was light.

Monday, April 10, 2006


Challenge is over and I seem to be doomed to score 4.7 or thereabouts. This was my submission to Yellow.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Rebekka the model

I met another DPC'er today and we went shooting. Rebekka enjoyed being a model and I hope Amy got good shots of her, I sure did. Strange taking pictures with someone else, so used to being absorbed in my own thoughts, but absolutely something I would do again.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Elín Ása

This my grand-niece Elín Ása. She is a new addition to my family, born on January 10th. Huge very blue eyes and red hair.
We met for the first time today, at a café here in Copenhagen. She is here on a short holiday with her mother Matthildur, leaving dad and older brother in Iceland for a week. First visit abroad, already a big lady and not the youngest in the family any more as she has a cousin, born on February 3rd. So he is a lot younger of course, right now he is only half her age.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Macro Abstract

Macro Abstract: "Take a picture so close up to something that it cannot easily be identified at first glance."
That was the challenge and this was my shot with the title: "Adam liked it" I used my extension tubes, as I do not have a lens for macro photography. I got my best score up untill now, 5.342 so I seem to be getting better at figuring what makes those voters tick. That does not mean that I am a better photographer! and that does not mean that I intend to concentrate on pleasing the DPC-crowd. I find it a challenge to meet these challenges and see what I am able to to in this context.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The First Challenge in WPL Was YELLOW

This one was a difficult challenge, maybe I had too many ideas and it took time to try them all out. Here are two of the ideas I didn't use.
The books were really hard to get into good focus, so I dropped that idea. But I had filled a whole shelf with yellow books, this is about 1/3.

I tried several dictionaries and the word yellow. I liked this one best (Yellow River) but didn't think the DPC'er would like it. The idea was not bad, but I was not able to turn it into a good photograph and dropped it. I will post my "real" entry in a few days when voting is over.

Have I Mentioned WPL on DPC?

DPC is short for Digital Photography Challenge. The site I keep visiting - mostly for advice and to see what other people are discussing and doing. I have made permanent links to DPC and to WPL. My nick on DPC is GuGi.
Well. Two weeks ago someone there opened a thread, wanting to start a league. And to cut a long story short, I sent a message to a man in the UK who was making a Nikon team. I thought that this could be a good way of getting to know some other photographers there, but most of all I thought that challenges would pressure me a bit in getting better - or should I say better my scores at DPC, and that is not the same thing as being an excellent photographer. There are some very good photographers there that get low scores. It's a little bit a matter of catering to the taste of the participants. Having said that, I should tell you that the top-scorers are all good photographers, and they sure know how to use Photoshop.
I was accepted into Team Nikon on WPL. The league has started and out of the 84 participants, I am by far the one with the lowest average. At first I slammed my head into my monitor ....... what were you thinking? Now I am a little calmer, it helped that it has been decided to take the 4 best scores in each challenge and use the average from those. Our team has 5 really good photographers, and there are two of us that are low. Some of the other teams, or at least one of them, has made sure that there are only top-score photographers on board. This is going to be so much fun.
I have one entry there now that is being voted on, and it is not doing well. The picture above is one I did not enter into a challenge called "Refractions". I shall post my entries when voting is over and keep you posted on how we are doing.