Tuesday, February 27, 2007


A couple that has been there for a long time, absorbed in a conversation. Another couple, maybe tourists as they were studying a map, freezing and a few seconds later disagreeing. A cold day so the last two are moving fast and keeping warm. I had been out several times trying to take a good street shot and this was my last try. I contemplated cropping the shot, so the two women (walking & cykling) would disappear, but decided against it. They add movement to an otherwise still photograph.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Living in a Box

I sometimes wonder if people like staying in boxes, if it makes them secure. What speaks against that is their need to shout at those not sharing a box. A person feeling secure does not feel the endless need to pick on others.
This last challenge on DPC was called Fruits & Vegetables and the description was as follows:
-Photograph a fruit.
-Photograph a vegetable.
-Photograph a fruit and a vegetable.
-Photograph as few or as many as you like.
Seems pretty clear to me that this macro shot of an apple would fit in. But oh no. There was a heated discussion and the ones that know it all at all times :) told us that a should only met the challenge if there were both fruits and vegetables, and in plural. Several people tried to explain, but no go.
Nuff said.
I had thought it would be pretty easy to get a good shot and had this fantastic idea of freezing some fruit in a bowl and then photograph the ice with all the fruit frozen inside. It was a complete mess. Then I got another idea, piecing some different fruit together. Didn't go well, but while I was slicing, I thought the apple looked rather nice, so I went for a macro.
I am sending warm toughts to all of the people who feel the need to live in a box. Stay there if you like, but permit those not sharing the box to stay free from your boxes. You see, our box is called "the-not-in-a-box-box". *huge grin*

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A Close-knit Family

A new year is here, February even, and these are my first blog-words of 2007.
My fingers have not been busy hammering away on the keyboard, but they have been busy holding yarn and knitting needles.
When there was a dpc-challenge called Personification, I had all I needed for a shot. Three of the sweaters are in Iceland already, keeping 3 wonderful children warm, one will keep a girl here in Denmark warm and then I have knitted one more that will be on it's way to Iceland in a few days. It is wonderful to work with colours and create something useful and lovely; good for the soul.