Friday, July 06, 2007

There are filters on flickr now and I have decided to leave

Since flickr (yahoo) now has put up filters and is thereby censoring content, I have removed all but two of my shots from my flickr-page and have gone over to
Freedom of speach is a fundamental human right. My "place" on flickr now looks like this
I have not been blogging much lately, but still taking some photographs. I hope you are enjoying the summer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read your last post on Flickr and I agree with your decision to fight censorship by voting with your feet. Bravo.

I do however disagree with your opinion about the Danish newspapers publishing the cartoons. I went to school in Denmark, and have always considered it to be my second country. I was so proud when the Danes stood up in their own way to the Islamics. They have been exporting terror around the globe for over 35 years. Enough is enough.

As for the murder rate in the US, its more like 16,000 murders out of a population of over 300 million. Its easy to criticize that from a western European country where the populations are mostly homegeneous and devoid of some of the issues we deal with in the USA - "the great melting pot"

And regarding 9/11, I grew up with one of the firefighters who died, and knew of other people who perished that day. The Islamics have a bullseye on my head and yours too. I won't back up one more inch. They need to be isolated, quaranteened, disarmed and if that doesnt work - exterminated, for they wish to exterminate us.

Din ven i USA
