Thursday, November 08, 2007

My Shot on Times Square in New York

I sent this shot in to Kodak's picture of the day, and many months later I got a notice from them, saying that this one had been chosen as Picture of the Day for October 27th. and would appear on their screen on Times Square that day. As luck would have it, my son in law was in New York on that very day and he took these shots for me. The shot is from inside a building in downtown Copenhagen, a house called Axelborg.

Seeing my shot was strange enough, but having my name up there surreal.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Gígja, Egill and yours truly have opened a language school on the Internet; the doors were opened on October 9th. On you can learn Icelandic via the Internet. All you need is a computer, an Internet connection, headphones with a microphone, Skype and MSN. It does not matter where in the world you live, how much formal education you have or how little Icelandic you know, we will be able to teach you the basics and get you going. For those that have taken courses in Icelandic, we have more advanced courses. If you think your pronounciation is not good enough, you can have a special course in pronounciation, with the help of a teacher via Skype. The same goes for practising your writing skills, that can easily be arranged, using MSN.
Our students learn Icelandic by talking to your teacher and fellow students using Skype, writing and doing exercises in Icelandic, listening to dictation and reading Icelandic texts. All exercises are read and corrected by a teacher (not software). We have tought Icelandic on the Internet for 8 years and it is our experience that our teaching methods work. You are welcome to visit us at
At lære islandsk via Internet - Du kan lära dig isländska på webben - Íslenska sem erlent mál á netinu.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Butterfly on a Napkin

More Summer, still in the country.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Enjoying Summer

Rhubarb is part of Summer, and I love it. Yesterday's dessert - it tasted as good as it looks. Hope you are enjoying your Summer too.

Friday, July 06, 2007

There are filters on flickr now and I have decided to leave

Since flickr (yahoo) now has put up filters and is thereby censoring content, I have removed all but two of my shots from my flickr-page and have gone over to
Freedom of speach is a fundamental human right. My "place" on flickr now looks like this
I have not been blogging much lately, but still taking some photographs. I hope you are enjoying the summer.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

In Langvad with Rebekka Sóley & Janke

Young Gardner
Our paradise
Melita Asrid Ana
Mina Fred & Zoran Luka, Melita's parents.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

SCAE Coffee Fiesta, Antwerpen

Four busy days in Antwerpen with lots of coffee and excellent baristas. Here below, Ásta in action, representing Denmark. The others are the Icelandic participants. Iceland ended up with the most points when all the different competitions were over.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Rebekka Sóley

I picked her up from play-school Thursday and we went to a friend's birthday party in the evening. Then the usual fun with water and bubbles in the bathtub untill she collapsed into bed.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Reflections from the Canal in Nyhavn, Copenhagen

Summer or Spring

The calendar says that it might just be Spring, the weather outside tells me that it actually is Summer. Global Warming ladies and gentlemen.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Black & White

This one is from last year. He had a hard time climbing the steps but seemed very patient and was actually busy too, shoelaces needed attention, cigaret to be lit too. The climb took a long time but apparently he had all the time in the world.
I don't do much converting from colour to black & white, but I always thought this one would turn out ok in b&w, just never got around to it, until now that is.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Friluftsmuseet has Opened for the Season.

Spring is here really early this year and last week we went to Friluftsmuseet that opened for the Summer. A wonderful place to stroll and take photographs. The weather was beautiful and a lot of children looking for clues in a game the museum had planned for them - it was all about finding Easter eggs.
I used this shot for a challenge on dpc, the subject was Anachronism. That fire extinguisher sticks out like a sore thumb.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Hard to Focus

It is terribly difficult to focus on a spiderweb. There was almost no wind, but it moved all the time. I used the macro-lens and was up very close and personal. To make it worth putting on my blog, I used a lot on contrast in photoshop and usm too (unsharp mask). I love the colours. If you look closely that is our car there in the backgrounds, you can just make out one of the wheels.This is how it looked with less contrast and only a little usm.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

"Me and my shadow"

I have been trying out some different techniques lately. This guy was hurrying into his shelter at sunset. The light at sunset always adds a golden touch to any shot. In addition, I used the flash, hoping it would do something spectacular as there was a wire mesh between us. I like the shot, the voters on dpc did not like it much.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I Learned Something About Myself Today

We learn things about ourselves every so often – today was one of those.

Because of the demonstrations concerning the Youth House earlier this month, I thought something similar was going on this morning when police, ambulances and even military vehicles went by my window. I looked out the back and saw they were gathered there. I needed some milk and of course wanted to find out if something serious was going on, so I went out. They stood by their cars, the policemen and the military, very relaxed and drinking coffee. Just a drill, no one had been hurt. I bought my milk and some bread, went home, fetched both cameras and went to the top floor and took a few shots.

What I learned about myself? That I didn’t want to take the camera with me when I went out. I could not take shots of a burning house, people hurt or anything like that...

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

My Second Ribbon

I really did not expect it, but I got a new yellow ribbon for this shot on
One of my goals is to get an average of 7 and I got so very close this time ... 6.9929. Better luck next time I guess.

Monday, March 12, 2007


Spring is here, or is it. :) Sitting outside in 13ºC is so wonderful, but I am pretty sure winter has not given up just yet. Probably a cold spell or two coming right up.

Those that were arrested during the demonstrations are being released one after the other. Many of them are pretty confused as they were not violent but were taking part in a peaceful demonstration.
The house on Jagtvej 69 has been torn down and the spokeswoman of the religious gropu is pleased as punch over her "victory" and says that now she will go after the gays. Not only is this historic building gone, but it has been torn down. And a bigot is standing there, happy to get her own way. I could cry.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Fellow Traveller / Medløber

Today, Copenhagen's mayor, Mrs. Ritt Bjerregaard, was interviewed on Danish National Television. Not the first interview concerning the demonstrations that have taken place these past few days, and probably not the last one.
In earlier interviews she has stated that she is of the opinion that any group that uses violence should not expect her or the city council to help find a new house for the youngsters that have used the house on Jagtvej 69 for the past several decades.

Today she criticizes all the youngsters that have stated that they are against violence but have not opposed the violence of the past few days. She uses the Danish word “medløber”. I would translate that as Fellow Traveller. Wikipedia explains the meaning of the phrase.

She is of the opinion that those who oppose the violence should make it clear. Where have you been the last few days Mrs. Mayor? I have only been to town once since the demonstrations started and I met two peaceful demonstrations (see last blog). And I know there have been more.

I also know that the demonstrations out on Christianshavn turned violent as soon as the police turned up in several busses. Their presence changed the scene - violence erupted.

I abhor violence and in no way will I condone the behaviour of those that use violence to state their anger or to protest.

I am against Denmark taking part in the invasion in Iraq. Or military intervention. Be it in the name of democracy or any other excuse military nations might use in their interference in other nation’s affairs.

I certainly do not condone the violence against thousands of women in Denmark every week. The violence you Mrs. Mayor probably call prostitution, buying and selling sex. I and many others with me call it violence, in no way would we call it sex.

Does this mean that you are a Fellow Traveller or “medløber”? Something you criticize others for? Or does this mean that you condone the behaviour of those who pay money to be able to abuse other people’s bodies? Or is there maybe an explanation that can be used in this instance, an explanation that frees you from responsibility? Some phrasing that makes it all ok and so very politically correct?

When are you going to insist that Danish police use the law and arrest all those that are breaking Danish law when they profit by forcing women to go into prostitution. So called prostitution is legal in Denmark, but profitting from others prostituting themselves is not legal. And those that are breaking Danish law by renting houses or apartments out for prostitution?

You have the possibility not to be a Fellow Traveller or “medløber” this coming Thursday – March 8th. International Women’s Day. You can go out and tell us, the citizens of Copenhagen, that from now on, you will try your utmost to better the lives of these women and make life difficult for those who are engaged in trafficking. Till then, I will consider you a Fellow Traveller, a “medløber” to the hallicks and the top figures in traficking.

When it comes to the problems concerning Jagtvej 69, you have more or less stated that this is something you inherited from the former mayor and now you are dealing with it.

Mrs. Mayor: The other problem is even older, please deal with it any way you can, and you will be my hero. You have in many ways been a role model for many women and even if I do note vote for the Social democrats, I have on many occasion spoken in your favour. I will find that hard in the future as I think the way this has been handled is a disgrace. I repeat that I do not condone the violent behaviour of the violent demonstrators.

- I took the photo above downtown a few days ago. The artist behind is from Iceland, her name is Steinunn Þórarinsdóttir and she calls this wonderful piece of art "Journey". Maybe these are Ritt Bjerregaard's Fellow Travellers, I wouldn't know. (The scarves are mine and the hats too.)

Some people have stated that the youngsters in Ungdomshuset are anarchists and thus it is strange that they want the authorities to see to it that they have a house available, and for free too. Many of the young men and women there are anarchists, but not all. And, anarchism, like the rest of the world, might have changed/evolved. Just like socialdemocrats have changed these past decades, really really changed.

PS. An addition after my friend Erla pointed out to me, that it was in fact in this very house, on Jagtvej 69 that Clara Zetkin put forward the idea that March 8th be International Women's Day. And the house was in fact built by the Unions as they could not hold meetings anywhere without interference from the police.

I didn't know that, I wonder if Ritt Bjerregaard knows that. Thank you Erla.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Violence in the Name of Democracy

I have no idea if news of yesterday's war-like situation here in Copenhagen has reached the world. I do not know the whole story, but it goes back a long way. In 1982 young people in Copenhagen were given the house on Jagtvej 69. They could use it as they liked and that they have done since. A few years ago the trouble began, and it was sold to outsiders. That buyer then sold it to a religious sect/group here in Denmark. The young people that have used the house have not wanted to move out, since they see the house as theirs, the sect does not want to sell the house to them (they actually got a decent offer) and they do not want another house instead of this one, since I believe God (her/himself) told them this house was indeed meant for them.
To cut a long story short, a story with court-cases, police-interference, peaceful and sometimes not so peaceful demonstrations - the police evacuated the house yesterday morning with helicopters and the works. With the antiterrorist-law under their arm they could do pretty much what they wanted and that they did. Democracy on thin ice indeed.
I was on the move yesterday, but chose not to go to that part of town. I met these peaceful demonstrators on the town square. Two of the young women came running from the municipal building, smiling and telling the others that they just received word that they were allowed to demonstrate there.
I did meet a group of young women singing a sorrowful song, mourning the loss of their building. Forgot to take a picture.

This bird of peace was very busy putting her feathers in order, reminds me of the chief of police here who never has a feather out of place. But only in that way. Said chief of police was indeed the one who gave the orders yesterday. The one that gave the orders to arrest anyone who came close, and to use teargas when necessary. All in the name of the Queen (that is actually what the police said in their megaphones) and of course in the name of democracy.
I could see the smoke from livingroom window or maybe it was teargas, or both. I don't know what teargas looks like.
I wonder if this is what the religious group wants, or their god. Why is it that religion in so many countries brings war and/or war-like situations?
This is what the mayor wants, the politicians, the law-makers. But not the people, of that I am sure. And I am pretty sure that the gods do not want this.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


A couple that has been there for a long time, absorbed in a conversation. Another couple, maybe tourists as they were studying a map, freezing and a few seconds later disagreeing. A cold day so the last two are moving fast and keeping warm. I had been out several times trying to take a good street shot and this was my last try. I contemplated cropping the shot, so the two women (walking & cykling) would disappear, but decided against it. They add movement to an otherwise still photograph.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Living in a Box

I sometimes wonder if people like staying in boxes, if it makes them secure. What speaks against that is their need to shout at those not sharing a box. A person feeling secure does not feel the endless need to pick on others.
This last challenge on DPC was called Fruits & Vegetables and the description was as follows:
-Photograph a fruit.
-Photograph a vegetable.
-Photograph a fruit and a vegetable.
-Photograph as few or as many as you like.
Seems pretty clear to me that this macro shot of an apple would fit in. But oh no. There was a heated discussion and the ones that know it all at all times :) told us that a should only met the challenge if there were both fruits and vegetables, and in plural. Several people tried to explain, but no go.
Nuff said.
I had thought it would be pretty easy to get a good shot and had this fantastic idea of freezing some fruit in a bowl and then photograph the ice with all the fruit frozen inside. It was a complete mess. Then I got another idea, piecing some different fruit together. Didn't go well, but while I was slicing, I thought the apple looked rather nice, so I went for a macro.
I am sending warm toughts to all of the people who feel the need to live in a box. Stay there if you like, but permit those not sharing the box to stay free from your boxes. You see, our box is called "the-not-in-a-box-box". *huge grin*

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A Close-knit Family

A new year is here, February even, and these are my first blog-words of 2007.
My fingers have not been busy hammering away on the keyboard, but they have been busy holding yarn and knitting needles.
When there was a dpc-challenge called Personification, I had all I needed for a shot. Three of the sweaters are in Iceland already, keeping 3 wonderful children warm, one will keep a girl here in Denmark warm and then I have knitted one more that will be on it's way to Iceland in a few days. It is wonderful to work with colours and create something useful and lovely; good for the soul.