I have no idea if news of yesterday's war-like situation here in Copenhagen has reached the world. I do not know the whole story, but it goes back a long way. In 1982 young people in Copenhagen were given the house on Jagtvej 69. They could use it as they liked and that they have done since. A few years ago the trouble began, and it was sold to outsiders. That buyer then sold it to a religious sect/group here in Denmark. The young people that have used the house have not wanted to move out, since they see the house as theirs, the sect does not want to sell the house to them (they actually got a decent offer) and they do not want another house instead of this one, since I believe God (her/himself) told them this house was indeed meant for them.
To cut a long story short, a story with court-cases, police-interference, peaceful and sometimes not so peaceful demonstrations - the police evacuated the house yesterday morning with helicopters and the works. With the antiterrorist-law under their arm they could do pretty much what they wanted and that they did. Democracy on thin ice indeed.
I was on the move yesterday, but chose not to go to that part of town. I met these peaceful demonstrators on the town square. Two of the young women came running from the municipal building, smiling and telling the others that they just received word that they were allowed to demonstrate there.
I did meet a group of young women singing a sorrowful song, mourning the loss of their building. Forgot to take a picture.

This bird of peace was very busy putting her feathers in order, reminds me of the chief of police here who never has a feather out of place. But only in that way. Said chief of police was indeed the one who gave the orders yesterday. The one that gave the orders to arrest anyone who came close, and to use teargas when necessary. All in the name of the Queen (that is actually what the police said in their megaphones) and of course in the name of democracy.
I could see the smoke from livingroom window or maybe it was teargas, or both. I don't know what teargas looks like.
I wonder if this is what the religious group wants, or their god. Why is it that religion in so many countries brings war and/or war-like situations?
This is what the mayor wants, the politicians, the law-makers. But not the people, of that I am sure. And I am pretty sure that the gods do not want this.
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