At long last, Blogger was on my side today and I was able to upload. Click on these first two and view them larger, you'll find that it is worth it.
Rebekka and Janke and I spent last Saturday out at Amager Strandpark. In April I took a shot of the Russian Church towndown knowing that the Danish princess Dagmar, who later became Empress Maria Fyodorovna was going to be reburied in September (see my blog from May 8th.) A 140 years ago, last Saturday, she left Denmark. So it was appropriate to chose that day for her remains to start that journey again. Her reburial is today, in St Petersburg, Russia were her husband Zahr Alexander was buried so many years ago.

This wessel, Esbern Snare, carries her remains.

Rebekka got her ears pierced last week, looks very nice. And I have now got the diamond studs that Anna made for me last winter. Yes, we are looking pretty sharp these days :)

A dreamy look into the future and I hope the sun will keep shining for her.

Two souls comparing their soles.

There was a techno party not so far from were we had our picknic, this young woman was very happy - her dancing does convey that I think.

A young girl taking a bike-ride on a specially built tricycle - most probably very happy to have the opportunity to ride a bike like most Danes do on a daily basis.
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