Early in the morning we met yet another ship from the Hurtigruten fleet, MS Polarlys. It is hard to describe the light, this photograph is more or less as it came out of my Nikon D70, no Photoshopping, only minor adjustments to the raw-file in Nikon Capture, and I mean minor. I just say this so anyone who reads this can get an idea of what the light is like far up north at 7:52am.
I did not take many pictures this day, not even in Tromsø where we spent a few hours in the afternoon. The weather continues to be better than I would have dared to hope for. Shortly after 8pm we ran in to a patch of fog, this is the beginning of it J. But it did turn into real fog - no visibility whatsoever. It felt like sailing in milk when it was all around us. Two hours it was gone.

We are pretty far north by now, above 70°north and this is what it can look like a few minutes after midnight.

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