Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Two Too Many

On DPC there is a challenge at the moment called Education, with a dead-line today. I had two photos ready yesterday, could not choose and decided to sleep on it. That did not help, but at long last I chose the one above and the title: 'Path to Enlightenment; Tree of Wisdom'. Then I got it ready and wanted to submit, but found out that I am only allowed to enter one Open Challenge at a time. Being so set on publishing it, I am blogging them instead :~)

'Keep on Learning - The Sky is the Limit' ... could have been the title for this one.
I have one photograph in the Icelandic challenge right now, two active on DPC and one pending. My first three challenges all ended with an average under 5,0. The three I have entered now are all above 5,0. I am not sure I would call it progress, at least I am learning a little about what kind of photographs people like on DPC, the Icelandic site is a bit different, but in a good way.
Now, the rest of this week I am going to work with Photoshop, my shortcomings there are all to obvious.

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