Gígja, Egill and yours truly have opened a language school on the Internet; the doors were opened on October 9th. On skoli.eu you can learn Icelandic via the Internet. All you need is a computer, an Internet connection, headphones with a microphone, Skype and MSN. It does not matter where in the world you live, how much formal education you have or how little Icelandic you know, we will be able to teach you the basics and get you going. For those that have taken courses in Icelandic, we have more advanced courses. If you think your pronounciation is not good enough, you can have a special course in pronounciation, with the help of a teacher via Skype. The same goes for practising your writing skills, that can easily be arranged, using MSN.
Our students learn Icelandic by
talking to your teacher and fellow students using Skype,
writing and doing exercises in Icelandic,
listening to dictation and
reading Icelandic texts. All exercises are read and corrected by a teacher (not software). We have tought Icelandic on the Internet for 8 years and it is our experience that our teaching methods work. You are welcome to visit us at
www.skoli.euAt lære islandsk via Internet - Du kan lära dig isländska på webben - Íslenska sem erlent mál á netinu.