Thursday, November 30, 2006

My First Front Page :)

The next number of RYK! Magazine will have this shot on the front page. I took the picture in April for another number of said magazine, an article about Amager Strandpark, an area here in Copenhagen that has gone through a total makeover and special attention has men given to those who use a wheelchair to get around. I had set the shot up and then I saw this woman approaching so I made sure I got one with her too. This is close to the airport, so there are planes coming in for landing all the time, but I am glad that the timing turned out to be really good.
You can see it here:

Playing with 2 Photographs

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Still the same fantastic weather and a joy to go out with the camera. This swan is still young and therefore not white yet, but in a few months I am sure it will be white and wonderful.
I am not sure, but there seem to be more swans on Søerne this year than before.
Was practicing to take tilted photographs, therefore it looks like this.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Postcard from Rügen, Deutschland

I made this shot from Sellin into a postcard. It was one of the challenges on dpc and it did pretty good. Many really beautiful postcards in that challenge - voting was like travelling all over the world.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Golden Autumn

Global warming is indeed a huge problem for our planet. Imagine driving around the beautiful roads of Rügen, Germany in 17°C on November 15th. Look at all the leaves still hanging on. In Denmark this has been the warmest Autumn ever. Never has November been so warm, not since the Danes started to record the weather conditions in the 19th century.
Yes, it look beautiful but the fact that so many leaves are still on the trees is not a good sign. I got this caricature from a friend who does care and uses her time wisely, trying to put up a fight, standing firmly on nature's side. I am sorry to have to say that the point being made here below goes for too many leaders in the world, it is as if they could not care less. For clarification, J. Howard is Australia's Prime Minister.

Monday, November 20, 2006

No name

I never did give her a name, but she has been around for close to 50 years. My daughters loved her too and so does my granddaughter. A little spooky maybe, but she is a great friend.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Rügen, Deutschland

Back home after three days in Northern Germany. Combining work and pleasure in wonderful surroundings was a real treat. We were based in Stralsund but managed to see a lot of Rügen, Germany's largest island. The weather was fantastic, over 15°C. This shot is from Kap Arkona.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Stormy November

Dark and stormy evenings - this is another onw from the evening Rebekka and I went for a drive. We were equally fascinated by the strength of the wind, the big waves and all that water covering the roads.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Going for black&white

I have not done much black&white photography, but a dpc-challenge sent me on a b/w mission. The conversion is done in Photoshop and as I might enter something into the challenge, I can't post any of the shots here untill later. But I did fool around with this shot a little bit. Winter came very suddenly on November 1st, but now it is getting warmer again; the weatherpeople say that we might get up to 15°C next week. Here I was, looking forward to a real winter, thinking it came early this year. A beautiful day it was and this shot was taken just before sunset.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

13 of my shots are in flickr explorer

And it is impossible for me not to brag. I have had 12 shots in there for weeks now, but finally there are 13, for now at least. It changes from day to day so I grabbed them while I had the chance.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Surreal Pink

The light yesterday was breathtaking but strange. Can't remember seeing anything like and am thrilled that I brought the Nikon. I took this shot almost half an hour after the sun had set and the moon had taken over.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Almost Normal Again

And here we are, yet again and things are back to normal here on this beach. But many places in Denmark are still floaded. Denmark has not seen anything like this in more than 100 years.

In the Middle of a Storm

Same place, but not the exact same view, as I would have been in water up to my waist. Rebekka and I enjoyed our hot chocolate sitting in the car and looking at the waves. You can see the sticks almost right in the middle of the shot, I stood there when I took the shot right below here only 3 days ago.